Terms and Conditions

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Access to and use of this site are subject to these “Terms and Conditions” as set out below and the laws and regulations in force. Connection and access to the www.mobilhome-biohabitat.com site implies full and unreserved acceptance of all the provisions of these Terms and Conditions which are to be consulted at each visit.


Purpose of the site
The Bio Habitat site is intended to:
Present the O'Hara, IRM, Coco Sweet brand
Present the O'Hara, IRM, Coco Sweet products
Present the available O'Hara, IRM, Coco Sweet services


BIO HABITAT, registered on the trade and companies register for Roche sur Yon under no. 511 239 915, located at:
ZA de la Folie – Rue Charles Tellier
La Chaize le Vicomte
85036 La Roche sur Yon Cedex
Telephone: +33 (0)2 51 26 20 28
VAT No. FR86 511 239 915
Share capital: 12,868,000 euros
Publication director: Florence Bugeon


Oceanet Technologies – 2 impasse Joséphine Baker – 44800 Saint-Herblain – France
Tel: +33 (0)2 28 03 78 78


CNIL Declaration
In accordance with ‘Information Technology and Civil Liberties’ law no. 78-17 of 6 January 1978, a simplified declaration of site https://www.mobilhome-ohara.com has been filed with the French Data Protection Authority (CNIL) under number: 1745344


Génération Internet : Web agency in Nantes (Loire-Atlantique) and in les Herbiers (Vendée)
Intellectual property rights
– Copyright
This site is a work authored by BIO HABITAT within the meaning of Articles L 111.1 et seq. of the Code of Intellectual Property. This site was designed and produced by the Génération Internet agency.
BIO HABITAT owns the intellectual property rights for all components of this site, including the graphic charter, tree structure, browser interfaces, content, logos, graphics, drawings, models, photographs, videos, images, sound, etc. Direct or indirect, temporary or permanent reproduction by any means and in any form in whole or in part are forbidden, in addition to any representation, use or modification, even partial, of this site. Such acts constitute an infringement, punishable by three years imprisonment and a fine of €300,000 (Code of Intellectual Property, article 335-3).
As such, barring prior, written authorisation from BIO HABITAT, it is forbidden to represent, reproduce, adapt, translate and/or transform, in part or in full, and/or transfer to whatever medium, any part of this site. Distinctive symbols, particularly brands, trade names, commercial names, emblems, titles and domain names are the property of BIO HABITAT or its partners, and may not be used without the prior authorisation of their owner.
Any violation of the aforementioned provisions constitutes an infringement and may carry civil and/or criminal penalties for the perpetrator. The components of the site are available to you for individual consultation and private use, ruling out any possibility of commercial use.
– Rights to trade names
the semi-figurative word mark O'Hara is the exclusive property of BIO HABITAT. The reproduction, use, attachment, removal or modification of these brand names without the prior authorisation of BIO HABITAT or their holders constitutes an infringement, punishable by three years imprisonment and a fine of €300,000 (Code of Intellectual Property, article 335-2).


Processing of personal data
BIO HABITAT undertakes not to use any personal data you provide in a way that is contrary to the laws in force on this matter.
The following personal data is collected from you:
First name and surname
Postal address
This information helps BIO HABITAT to get to know you better. It is used with your explicit consent and for the sole purpose of enabling you to create an account on the BIO HABITAT website.
The information recorded is for the use of BIO HABITAT’s in-house departments, specifically the communications, network development, marketing and after-sales departments.
In accordance with Articles 39 et seq. of Law n° 78317 of 6 January 1978 on computers, databases and freedoms, any person may, by contacting the communications department, be sent their information, and if appropriate, have it corrected or removed. You have a right to oppose the use of your data for processing purposes or prospecting, particularly sales prospecting.
Any questions relating to the processing of this personal data should be sent to this address:
BIO HABITAT marketing department
ZA de la Folie – Rue Charles Tellier
La Chaize le Vicomte
85036 La Roche sur Yon Cedex
E-mail: marketing@mobilhome-biohabitat.com
Tel: +33 (0)2 51 38 50 00
By sending a request in writing to BIO HABITAT at the address indicated above, and giving proof of identity by enclosing a copy of your identity card, you can have your personal data sent to you free of charge and have it corrected in the event that it is inaccurate, incomplete, out of date or has been unlawfully collected, used, transferred or kept.
In the event of any changes to your data, you must notify BIO HABITAT in writing at the address given above.


– Of the publisher
Photographs on our website have no contractual value and are provided for illustrative purposes only. For maintenance and other reasons, Bio Habitat may interrupt access to its site at any time. Bio Habitat also accepts no responsibility (direct or indirect) in the event of delay, error or omission relative to the content and use of these pages, or in the event of unavailability or hacking of the site.
– Of the user
As a website user, you agree that you have the skills and technical resources required to access and use this site. You agree that you have checked that your computer contains no viruses and that it is fully operational. You must also have acknowledged these terms and conditions and undertake to respect them. Your use of the https://www.mobilhome-ohara.com site is under your sole and full responsibility. BIO HABITAT may not be held liable for any direct or indirect damage, such as material damages, loss of data or software or financial loss arising from the use of this site or sites linked to it.


You undertake, when using the https://www.mobilhome-biohabitat.com website, that you shall not take any action which might entail computer or operational failure or any other type of breakdown affecting site operations or any server or service accessible through it.
You undertake, in particular, to provide within the website only information, data and files that are reliable, harmless and not of such a nature as to affect site operations or any server or service accessible through it.
By using this site, or any server or service accessible through the site, you commit to:
Complying with the laws and national and international regulations in effect, as well as third-party rights.
Not jeopardising the image of BIO HABITAT in any way or in any form whatsoever.


BIO HABITAT uses cookies. Cookies are information provided by your computer to our server, allowing our server to recognise you. They make it possible to record your user preferences and identifiers. In general, cookies are accepted by default on computers, allowing a more enjoyable browsing experience on the site. If you would like to deactivate cookies, you can do so by configuring the preferences of your web browser as follows:
For Mozilla Firefox:
Select the ‘tools’ menu, then ‘options’
Click on the ‘privacy’ icon
Find the cookie menu and select your preferred options
For Microsoft Internet Explorer
Select the ‘Tools’ menu, then ‘Internet Options’
Click on the ‘privacy’ tab
Select the desired level using the cursor
For Opera 6.0 and later versions:
Select the ‘Files’ menu, then ‘Preferences’


Hyperlinks and references
The creation of a hyperlink to this site and any references to said site are are forbidden without the prior, written permission of Bio Habitat, which may be revoked at any time.
In the event of express written authorisation from BIO HABITAT, the following phrase or equivalent must be indicated in or near the hyperlink: “on this BIO HABITAT site”.
BIO HABITAT may not be held liable for Hyperlinks to other sites, the content of which it cannot control. Bio Habitat accepts no responsibility for the content of sites linked to the site. Your decision to access a third-party site mentioned on our site is your full responsibility.
Modification des informations légales du site :
Changes to the legal information on the site:
Bio Habitat reserves the right to modify or correct, at any time and without notice, this legal information, particularly in the event of a change in the laws in force, so as to bring it into compliance.


Applicable law
The https://www.mobilhome-biohabitat.com website and these terms and conditions are subject to French law.

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