Informativa sulla privacy e politica sui cookie

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Data protection policy

1. Purpose and scope of the Policy

BIO HABITAT attaches the utmost importance and care to the protection of privacy and Personal Data, as well as compliance with the provisions of the applicable Legislation.

Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the Processing of Personal Data and on the free movement of such Data (hereinafter ‘RGPD’) states that Personal Data must be processed lawfully, fairly, and transparently. Accordingly, the purpose of this privacy policy (hereinafter the ‘Policy’) is to provide you with simple, clear information on the Processing of Personal Data concerning you, in the context of your browsing and the operations carried out on our website.


2. Data Controller

As part of your activity on the website, we collect and use personal data relating to you, individuals (hereinafter referred to as ‘User’).

For all processing, BIO HABITAT is the entity that determines the means and purposes and thus acts as the Data Controller within the meaning of the regulations applicable to personal data and in particular EU Regulation 2016/679 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (hereinafter ‘RGPD’).

BIO HABITAT, a public limited company with share capital of €19,922,640.00, registered in the La Roche sur Yon Trade and Companies Register under number 511 239 915.

Whose registered office is located at: ZI de la Folie Sud - Rue Charles Tellier - La Chaize le Vicomte - CS 50001 - 85036 La Roche sur Yon Cedex (France).


3. What Personal Data do we collect and how?

When you use our website or subscribe to our services, you provide us with a certain amount of information about yourself, some of which is likely to identify you (‘Personal Data’). This is the case when you browse our site or fill in online forms.

The nature and quality of the Personal Information collected about you will vary depending on your relationship with BIO HABITAT. This data is as follows:

  • Identification data (surname, first name, telephone number, postal address, e-mail address)
  • Internet data (cookies, tracers, browsing data, audience measurement, etc.).

Each form on the site limits the collection of Personal Data to what is strictly necessary.

The Data required to process your request is indicated by an asterisk on each form. If you do not fill in these mandatory fields, BIO HABITAT will not be able to respond to your requests and/or provide you with the requested services. Other information is optional and allows us to better manage your request and improve our communications and services to you.


4. Why do we collect your Personal Data and how?

We collect your Personal Data for specific purposes and on different legal grounds.

On the basis of BIO HABITAT's legitimate interest, your Data is processed for the following purposes:

Carrying out commercial prospecting operations:
o Sending targeted or non-targeted commercial communications (news and commercial offers, management of newsletter subscriptions) ;
o Contacting you to give you the opportunity to finalise your purchases following an order that has not been validated or that has been abandoned on the Site;
o To propose offers to Users relating to products that BIO HABITAT markets and/or those of its partners;
o Any other purpose that BIO HABITAT may specify at the time of collecting the User's personal data.

Proper operation and continuous improvement of the site:
o Carrying out commercial statistics or performance measurements of the communications deployed, audience measurements;
o Improving navigation on the Site;
o Adapting the presentation of the Site to your terminal.

Prevention and fight against fraud


5. Do we share your Personal Data?

Your Data is intended for use by authorised BIO HABITAT employees in charge of managing and executing contracts and legal obligations, depending on the purpose of the collection and within the limits of their respective responsibilities. It may be transmitted to the following recipients for certain tasks related to the purposes, and within the limits of their respective missions and authorisations:

  • Entities of the BENETEAU Group in the context of outsourcing an activity to another entity of the group;
  • Internal recipients (marketing/commerce department, after-sales service, support services and communication department);
  • Distributor/retailer partners and campsites only when you have expressly agreed to this by ticking a box on our Data collection forms;
  • Sub-contractors we use to carry out a range of operations and tasks, in particular on our behalf;
  • Commercial partners only when you have expressly consented to this by ticking a box on our Data collection forms; and by clicking on the button to accept advertising and/or social network cookies.
  • Persons or organisations who may be required to provide data by virtue of a legislative or regulatory provision.

We do not sell your Data.


6. Is your Personal Information transferred to third countries?

BIO HABITAT endeavours to keep Personal Data in France, or at least within the European Economic Area (EEA). However, it is possible that the Data we collect when you use our platform or as part of our services may be transferred to other countries. This is the case, for example, if some of our service providers are located outside the European Economic Area. In the event of a Transfer of this type, we guarantee that it will be carried out :

  • To a country ensuring an adequate level of protection, i.e. a level of protection equivalent to that required by European Regulations;
  • Within the framework of standard contractual clauses;
  • Within the framework of internal company rules.


7. How long do we keep your Personal Data?

We only keep your Personal Data for as long as is necessary to fulfil the purpose for which we hold it, to meet your needs or to comply with our legal obligations. Retention periods vary depending on a number of factors, such as:

  • The needs of BIO HABITAT's business;
  • Contractual requirements;
  • Legal obligations;
  • Recommendations from supervisory authorities.

The retention periods for your Data are as follows:

  • For a period of 5 years from the date of collection if no contract is concluded For a period of 5 years from the date of collection if no contract is concluded.
  • If a contract or order has been concluded, for the entire contractual period, then stored in intermediate archives for a period corresponding to the guarantee period, plus the applicable statutory limitation period (see time limits below). As a reminder, the applicable limitation periods are :

              5 years for contractual or extra-contractual civil liability claims (excluding personal injury claims)

  • For a period of 6 months from their installation/creation in the case of cookies.


8. How do we ensure the security of your Personal Information?

BIO HABITAT is committed to protecting the Personal Data that we collect, or that we Process, against loss, destruction, alteration, unauthorised access or disclosure.

We therefore implement all appropriate technical and organisational measures, depending on the nature of the Data and the risks involved in processing it. These measures must make it possible to preserve the security and confidentiality of your Personal Data. They may include practices such as limited access to Personal Data by authorised persons.


9. What are your rights?

The RGPD provides Data Subjects with rights that they can exercise. These include:

  • Right of access (to check the accuracy of the data concerning them)
  • Right of rectification (to correct erroneous data or complete certain information)
  • Right to erasure (to eliminate the risk of an individual being permanently affected by a reference concerning him or her, whether this reference is online as a result of his or her own actions or those of a third party).
  • The right to restrict processing (prohibiting the use of certain data while the request is being examined).
  • Right to portability (recovery of data for personal use or for transmission to another online service that may offer new services, or to change platforms while retaining the existing history).
  • Right of opposition (to object at any time, for reasons relating to your particular situation, to the processing of your data for the purposes of canvassing and profiling linked to this canvassing).

To this end, BIO HABITAT has implemented a procedure for managing the rights of Individuals that complies with the requirements of the applicable Legislation. This procedure establishes :

  • The standards to be complied with to ensure that Data Subjects are provided with transparent information;
  • The legal requirements that must be complied with;
  • The authorised means of submitting a request for each right, depending on the category of Data Subject;
  • The operational processes for handling these requests in accordance with the above requirements;
  • The parties involved in these processes, their roles and responsibilities.


You may exercise these rights or ask BIO HABITAT any questions relating to the management of your personal data by contacting:

  • By e-mail at the following address:
  • By post to the following address

Bio Habitat
Service Marketing
Adresse : ZI de la Folie Sud
Rue Charles Tellier 
La Chaize le Vicomte Cedex - CS 50001
85036 La Roche sur Yon Cedex.

When you send us a request to exercise a Right, you are asked to specify as far as possible the scope of the request, the type of Right exercised, the Personal Data Processing concerned, and any other useful information, in order to facilitate the examination of your request. In addition, where there is reasonable doubt, you may be asked to provide proof of your identity.

You also have the right to refer to the Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés (CNIL), 3 Place de Fontenoy - TSA 80715 - 75334 PARIS CEDEX 07, and in particular European Regulation n°2016-679 and any complaint relating to the way in which BIO HABITAT collects and processes your data.


10. Updating of this Policy

This Policy may be updated on a regular basis to take account of changes in the Regulations relating to Personal Data.

Date of last update: 19 December 2022.



Cookie policy

1. What is a cookie?

A ‘cookie’ is a string of information, generally small in size and identified by a name, which may be sent to your browser by a website to which you connect. Your web browser will store it for a certain period of time, and send it back to the web server each time you reconnect. Cookies have many uses: they can be used to memorise your customer ID with a merchant site, the current contents of your shopping basket, an identifier enabling your browsing to be tracked for statistical or advertising purposes, etc.


2. What data is collected through cookies?

BIO HABITAT collects information, which may include personal data, from your browser when you use our Sites. We use various methods, such as cookies and web beacons, to collect this information, which may include your IP address; unique identification cookie, information cookie and content information on your hardware to access certain features; domain, browser type and language; operating system and settings; country and time zone; previously visited sites; information about your actions on our Sites such as click behaviour, purchases and preferences; and access times and referring URLs.

Third parties may also collect information from the Sites via cookies, third-party modules and widgets. These third parties collect data directly from your browser and the processing of this data is subject to their own personal data protection policies.

We use cookies and web beacons to track our customers' use of the Sites and to understand their preferences (such as country and language). This enables us to provide services to our customers and improve their online experience. We also use cookies and web beacons to obtain general information about site traffic and interactions, to identify trends and obtain statistics, and to improve our Sites. There are generally three categories of cookies used on our Sites:

  • Operating cookies: These cookies are required for the basic functionality of the site and are therefore always active. This includes cookies that enable you to be recognised when you visit our Sites during the same session or, if you wish, from one session to the next. They are used to set up your shopping basket and the payment procedure, as well as to ensure the security of exchanges and compliance with regulations.
  • Performance cookies: These cookies enable us to improve the functionality of our Sites by tracking usage. In some cases, these cookies enable us to improve the speed with which we process your request, and to remember the preferences you have selected. Rejecting these cookies may result in less relevant recommendations and slower site performance.
  • Social networking and advertising cookies: Social networking cookies enable you to connect to your social networks and share content from our Sites on social networks. Advertising cookies (from third parties) collect information to enable us to better tailor advertisements to your centres of interest, both on and off our Sites. In some cases, these cookies require personal data to be processed. Rejecting these cookies may result in the display of advertisements that are not adapted to your interests or prevent you from effectively connecting to Facebook, Twitter or other social networks and/or prevent you from sharing content on social networks.


3. Who sets cookies on the website?

Our website and our partners (third-party suppliers) use cookies or similar technologies. Thus, the entities depositing cookies on the website are :

  • The publisher of the site, BIO HABITAT, and BIO HABITAT's subcontractors, technical service providers who process your browsing data on behalf of BIO HABITAT;
  • BIO HABITAT's authorised third-party tracer suppliers (e.g. advertising agencies). When they use cookies, these third-party partners are responsible for the cookies they implement. We invite you to consult their cookie management policies. You can also use their own consent collection and management tools to configure your preferences.


4. What are the purposes of the cookies collected and how long are they kept?

Nom du cookie




Durée de conservation


Google Tag Manager


Utilisé par Google Tag Manager pour contrôler le chargement du tag Google Analytics.

24 heures


Google Analytics


Enregistre un ID unique utilisé pour généré des données statistiques sur l'utilisation faite du site par un utilisateur.

13 mois


Google Analytics


Enregistre un ID unique utilisé pour généré des données statistiques sur l'utilisation faite du site par un utilisateur.

24 heures




Ce cookie sert à conserver votre acception ou refus de la présente charte des cookies.

6 mois




Ce cookies sert à gérer les cookies déposés par les vendeurs.

6 mois




Ce cookie contient la chaîne de consentement du TCF de l'IAB ainsi que les informations de consentement pour tous les standards de l'IAB (partenaires et finalités)

6 mois


5. How do you manage your consent to the placement of cookies?

The placement of a cookie for preference, statistical, advertising, social network sharing or other purposes requires your prior consent. This consent is obtained via the banner displayed when you first connect to the site. You can accept or refuse the deposit of cookies globally (for all the purposes listed) or personalise your choice. You can also refuse to accept cookies by clicking on ‘Continue without accepting’. You can also change your choice at any time by clicking on the ‘Cookie settings’ icon at the bottom of each page of the site.

Your consent and settings are valid on all BIO HABITAT sites:



6. How do I configure cookies on web browsers?

You can configure your browser software so that cookies are stored on your terminal or rejected, either systematically or depending on the sender.

It is also possible to configure your browser software so that acceptance or rejection of cookies is proposed before a cookie is likely to be stored on your terminal.

However, for cookie management, the configuration of each browser is different. Below you will find the way in which each browser can be configured to manage cookies:

- On Internet Explorer: Open the ‘Tools’ menu, then select ‘Internet Options’; click on the ‘Confidentiality’ tab and then the ‘Advanced’ tab; choose the level you require or follow the following link:

- On Microsoft Edge: Open the ‘Tools’ menu, then select ‘Internet Options’; click on the ‘Confidentiality’ tab and then the ‘Advanced’ tab; choose the desired level or follow this link:

- On Mozilla Firefox: Open the ‘Tools’ menu, then select ‘Options’; click on the ‘Privacy’ tab and choose the desired options or follow this link:

- On Safari Mac/Iphone/Ipad: Choose ‘Safari > Preferences’ then click on ‘Security’; in the ‘Accept cookies’ section choose the desired options or follow this link: or

- On Google Chrome: Open the configuration menu (spanner logo), then select ‘Options’; click on ‘Advanced options’ then in the ‘Privacy’ section, click on ‘Content settings’, and choose the desired options or follow this link:


- On iOs:


You can also type ‘cookies’ in the ‘help’ section of your browser to access the instructions for setting the parameters.

For further information, please consult the CNIL website:


7. What are the consequences of refusing the various cookies?

The User is informed of the fact that any parameter setting that he/she may undertake is likely to modify his/her navigation on the Internet and his/her conditions of access to certain Services offered on the Site requiring the use of cookies and of the fact that a certain number of functionalities necessary for navigation on the Site are likely to be degraded (example: difficulties in recording or displaying).

In the event that the User modifies the cookie settings, BIO HABITAT cannot be held responsible in any way for any malfunctions that may be observed.

The absence of consent may only prevent access to the Site insofar as the data processing concerned is absolutely essential to the operation of the Site.

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